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Shelby County Sheriff provides an update on 201 Poplar after recent inmate deaths
SCSO provides update on crime, conditions at 201 Poplar
Shelby County Sheriff holds press conference at 201 Poplar regarding Gershun Freeman's death
TBI investigating inmate death at 201 Poplar
Shelby County Sheriff's Office investigating death of inmate of Shelby County Division of Correction
SCSO: Inmate found unresponsive at 201 Poplar, dies at hospital
201 Poplar inmate dead after suicide, sheriff’s office says
Another inmate death at Shelby County Jail
TBI investigating inmate death at 201 Poplar
SCSO investigates inmate death
Inmate death at 201 Poplar under investigation, TBI says
Sheriff implements changes at 201 Poplar after inmate death